About Cover letters
Cover letters are one of the best ways to stand out amongst people with similar skills and work history, and can even give you the advantage over someone who has more skills or who has worked in the industry for a longer period of time. However, in order to be successful in this manner, a cover letter needs to be authentic and well-written.
Because of this, you’ll notice that our cover letter template is different than what you’ll find on some career sites. While some templates simply need you to fill in your name, the position, and company name with a sentence or two about your skills, employers see these nearly identical cover letters come across their desk every day, and most of them or a formality more than something helpful and useful in decision making.
We recommend highlighting not only your work experience and skills, but personality traits and characteristics that would make you the best candidate for the position. A cover letter does not necessarily need to be formal, and can even be more successful when taking an informal, authentic approach.
Write the letter in a style that is comfortable for you. However, no matter what approach you take to the letter, it should be easy to understand and free of spelling or grammar mistakes. We recommend having friends, family, or work colleagues look it over to make sure that it reads well. Also, if you have the time and ability to do so, crafting personalised cover letters tends to have better results. If not, include some information about the company at a minimum to show that you did your research.